It is crazy to me that I have not posted anything in this blog in two years. I started this blog as a way to document the crazy that is my life with two little boys. Apparently I have been so busy living that life with them I have failed to write it down. I am sad because I know in my heart that there have been many memories that I wish I had, funny things they did or sad and I can't remember a lot of the small day to day things.
It is my goal to try and take a few moments to write this stuff down. I may even go back and look at some of our pictures I have taken and do belated posts and maybe even out of order posts.
This month in our neck of the woods we had beautiful spring weather from last Thursday until Tuesday. The kiddos and I got a taste of spring and playing outside and even riding our bikes. Then Wednesday we got a March snow storm. It has been a long time since we have had a good March snow storm. While I was taking pictures it dawned on me that the last time we had a March snow storm was March 17, 2007. It was the day that I went into the hospital to be induced to have my long awaited child and with his 7th birthday on the horizon I have been nostalgic and a bit emotional.
So by now you are probably wondering how my trip down memory lane and pictures of our snow storm have anything to do with the world according to Liam. Well because of the crazy weather we have had I HAVE CABIN FEVER!!! An I have it BAD. After putting my oldest on the bus this morning I bundled up my daycare kiddos and my youngest and out for a walk we went. Pushing a double stroller in 3 inches of slushy snow is no easy feat. It was a little chilly not cold, but that did not stop my Liam from asking if he could have hot cocoa when we got home. I thought what a great idea this morning. So I told him absolutely. A few short minutes later Liam asked "mommie do you know why it is called hot cocoa" He is a creative child and I always enjoy the "stories" he tells, so I replied "no buddy why is it called hot cocoa" in a very matter of fact voice he responded " because it is hot". Happy Friday all. OH BOY Y ME?